Hints & Tips - Speed up your everyday use of SIMS with this course covering:
* Quick search on the homepage
* Homepage & widget configuration
* Online documentation center
* Pupil bulk updates
* Primary contacts of pupils bulk update
* Shortcuts from your homepage
* Quick search for SEN pupils
Quick Reporting - Need a report in a hurry then this is the course for you
* Student list reports and adding additional information to them
* Using the predefined reports included in SIMS
* Adding reports to your shortcuts panel and/or favorites widget
* School report - quick numbers for key pastoral factors and percentage attendance
* Looking at the individual pupil attendance overview area
CTF Import & Export
* Adding a school that is required for a CTF export
* Exporting and importing a CTF
* Understanding the naming format
* CTF exports for the LA or alternative destinations such as the missing pupil database
* Configuring your CTF defaults
Attendance - get to grips with attendance recording
* Accessing and using the register for admin staff and/or teachers
* Editing and amending marks
* Searching for missing marks and unexplained absences
* Adding early years patterns (if required)
* Exceptional circumstances
* Looking at the individual pupil attendance overview area.
Attendance Reporting - get to grips with attendance reporting
* An overview of the predefined attendance reports area
* Homepage configuration to create an attendance dashboard
* Overview of the statistical meanings behind the attendance codes
* Running reports and further analysis in Excel
* Adding reports to your shortcut area on your homepage
Attendance Letter Setup - how to setup and use the mail merge facility. If you already have letter templates
that you use for reporting back to parents, or perhaps you have a certificate for good attendance. We can
add these to the attendance letter area and let SIMS do the hard work to find the relevant pupils and
generate the mail merge letters.
* Overview of the five different letter types available
* Setting up letter definitions
* Producing the letters
* Attaching a copy of the letter to the pupils linked documents
* Creating an attendance certificate
Year End is covered in 2 sessions for larger schools
Year End Part 1
* Creating a new academic year
* Setting up and using admission groups
* Creating an application file (manual or by CTF/ATF)
* Marking leavers in bulk
* Creating CTFs for new schools
For this session you will need to access to the dates for holidays and staff training days for the next academic
year and details of your new intake pupils, this can be either paper records or via a CTF/ATF.
Year End Part 2
* Adding a school that isn't available for a CTF export
* Set up your new pastoral structure
* Promote pupils currently on roll
* Assign new intake to correct classes
* Check part time status has been ended for nursery pupils (where relevant)
* Demonstration of how to admit pupils from admission groups
For this session you will need to know the names of your classes for the next academic year and which pupils
are to be assigned to each class. Having your list of pupils by class and in alphabetical order of surname
would be advantageous
Pupil or School Workforce Census - a good refresher or for staff who are new to census returns
* How to access the relevant documentation from our knowledgebase
* How to produce a dry run
* Dealing with errors and queries
* Running the summary and detailed reports
* Overview of how to authorise your return
Simple Reporting using Design a Report Area
* Creating a simple Word or Excel report
* Selecting different data areas (students/staff/contacts etc)
* Adding filters
* Changing the output type
Dinner Money - this is only for schools that already have Dinner Money installed
* Running dinner money reports
* Dealing with meal price changes
* Setting up creditor and debtor letters
* Setting up shortcuts on your homepage
Please ensure you have access to any wording/logos etc for setting up the letter templates
* Delete unlinked contacts
* Setting parental addressee and salutation in bulk
* Name format tidy
* Updating primary contacts in bulk
* Locating duplicate contact records and resolving them
* Accessing SEN information
* Overview of all areas of the SEN record - including how to add or amend data
* SEN lookups
* Uploading documents
* SEN predefined reports and student list area for reporting
Discover - this is only for schools that already have Discover installed
* Navigating Discover
* Creating graphs and Venn diagrams
* Exporting data and graphs
* Combining data in graphs
* Creating groups that can be used in SIMS.net and Discover
Discover is a graphical analysis tool and is free of charge. If you would like to have it installed,
please contact us on (01482) 238700. It can take a few working days to arrange the installation.
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