23/01/2019 - Latest Information from Capita on updates to SSM and Teacher App
Informing you of some important technical changes to the Teacher App…
We will be making an update to Teacher App in the coming weeks. As soon as the dates are confirmed, we will update this notification.
As explained in an earlier communication this is due to Microsoft retiring their support for the "Access Control Service" (ACS). The impact on the Teacher App is that from its retirement date (Feb 4th) anyone using ACS will have service requests failing. In other words, if the appropriate action outlined below is not taken, Teacher App will not work.
What has changed?
There have been several technical changes made to the SSM package, Teacher App and our Teacher App Administrator websites.
What needs to be updated?
We will be releasing new versions of Teacher App and SSM packages. We advise administrators to make sure that the SSM package is updated. All Teacher App users will need to download and update the latest Teacher App from the app store. Please note: If the updates to both SSM Package and Teacher App are not made once the latest version is released on the 31st of January then from that date Teacher App will no longer work. The actual version of the app will be made available on the day of the release.
What if I have SSM Set to update packages automatically?
For schools that have made these settings in SSM, when the new Data and Login packages are released, those schools will automatically update and once the Teacher App has been updated by individual users/teachers (from the Apple Store or Microsoft Store) it will continue to work. Schools who have not chosen to update SSM automatically will need to update manually, on the day of the release which is the 31st of January.
For schools hosted by Capita the SSM package will be updated for them, however they must ensure that the Teacher App has been updated by individual users/teachers (from the Apple Store of Microsoft Store) otherwise it will not work.
What can I do if Teacher App is not working after I have applied the updates?
- These changes do not impact the everyday use of SIMS. If Teacher App is not working users can use SIMS for taking registers as an alternative.
- If it is not possible to use SIMS to take register, manual registers can be printed from SIMS for teachers by selecting the menu route Reports | Attendance (Lesson Monitor) | Manual Entry | Print Registration Sheet.
- If you continue to have problems with TeacherApp after you have made the updates to SSM and users/teachers have updated the App itself (from Apple Store or Microsoft Store), please contact your SIMS Support Unit for assistance.
For more information…
- For setting SSM to auto-update, administrators can refer to the SIMS Services Manager handbook here:
http://simspublications.com/253614/assets/ServicesManager.pdf - The Teacher App System setup guide shows how to install and update SSM packages for Teacher App. Please see link below, this can be downloaded here:
https://www.capita-sims.co.uk/sites/default/files/2017-10/simsteacherappsystemsetupguide.pdf - For general information on updating Apps from the Apple iPad App store you can use this guide:
https://www.wikihow.com/Update-Apps-on-an-iPad - Windows tablet users updating apps from the Microsoft Store:
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